Archives for July 2011

Wierd Al Yankovic Gets My Generation

Weird Al just gets things is such a deep and thoughtful manner. His latest single fits life as I know it in so many ways. There are so many people who deserve to get sent a link to this, but who would fail to appreciate it fully.

While some might think his humor is low, I think that this song proves not only his comic genius, but also his strength as a performer. Heck, I even find the video an impressive piece of work. Nicely done, Al!

Gary Vaynerchuk On Google+

OK, so I’m in the Google+ beta and I’m playing around with it. I’m not yet certain that I completely “get it,” but then I’ve never been the biggest fan of Facebook. That said, Gary V is right on the money when he highlights the “hangouts” feature. I think that real-time communications using audio & video is going to be huge. It’ll be everywhere, and soon. With the talent & IP from GIPS Google is well positioned to dominate.